When Nikita Connan’s Grandad passed away in 2017, she decided she would set herself a challenge each year to complete in memory of him, and to support charities that he was personally affected by or linked to. Her biggest challenge set would be her challenge of 2020, the Jersey Marathon. Just like everything else Covid got in the way of completing this last year and so it is now her 2021 challenge. For anyone that knows Nikita they will know she is no runner, let alone a marathon runner! While at school she would always choose to do the sprints over long distance, so the Marathon is going to be a massive mental and physical challenge.
Nikita said ” I’m hoping to raise as much as possible for a great cause in memory of an amazing man and tick something off my bucket list while taking on a massive personal challenge. The training is more intense than I thought it would be. I have no goal time in mind for finishing the marathon, all I am aiming for is to cross the finish line in one piece!
To help with my fund raising efforts I will be hosting a car scavenger hunt in August (date to be confirmed, further details will follow once known) and a SpeedQuizzing night in September at the Mayfair Hotel with a raffle and various other prizes on the night. I have also set up a Just Giving page to assist with the fund raising” – please click on https://www.justgiving.com/fundrai…/nikita-connan-marathon
For more information click on Nikita’s Facebook page https://fb.me/e/3LJ5aSHgC


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