An Invitation for Type 1 Patients to Attend an Open Meeting with Dr David Hopkins,
Lead Consultant Physician For Diabetes & Endocrinology in Jersey, on the Morning of Saturday
18th January 2025 in the Celestial Hall North, Royal Yacht Hotel
David has kindly accepted an invitation from the charity to update patients’ on the latest
developments for technological support, a brief update on the recent changes to the Law which
relate to the holding of Driving Licences, GLP in T1 and a selection of other topics, which attendees
have a particular interest in.
The itinerary for the morning is set out below:
8.30am Doors open when Tea/Coffee will be available
9 to 10.30am Presentation by David with Q & A’s
10.30am to 11am Refreshments
11am to Noon Presentation by David with Q & As
There are limited spaces available and should you wish to attend, you will need to contact Liz
Freeman at ‘betsff@yahoo.co.uk’. Understandably, there is a restriction in that adult patients are
limited to reserving 2 spaces, whilst parents having a child or young person with the condition
(up to 18years of age), being able to reserve 3 spaces. The cut off date for reserving seats will be
Thursday 2nd January 2025.
WE would ask that if you have specific areas that you wish David to include in his presentation, you
advise Liz at the earliest opportunity.
We look forward to greeting many of you to this event.
Yours sincerely
Bill O’Brien