Swirl and Twirl fundraising event for Diabetes Jersey

This coming weekend, Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th November using her ‘Swirl and Twirl Ice Cream Van at Les Platon Trinity, Natalie Coutanche and Emma Jane Griffiths will be fundraising for Diabetes Jersey. A specially created ice cream will be available for sale with part of the proceeds being donated to the charity.
Please support both Natalie, Emma and Diabetes Jersey by paying a visit. Her friend and co-creator Jonny Labey said “In light of all events being written off and the importance of supporting our local charities as well as independant businesses, for this year’s #worlddiabetesday I’m teaming up with Swirl N’ Twirl and their delicious ice creams to bring you SUGAR TAX!
I’m an absolute fiend for Ice Creams, that and liquorice are my only two things that I wish were outside of the limits as to what a Type 1 has to consider.
This year I was meant to be hosting my second comeback to the Opera House hosting a solo concert to raise money for the incredible Diabetes Jersey, a charity that saw me through my diagnosis on the island. Due to lockdown 2 as well as all the event cancellations we thought we’d do a fun, tasty treat to brighten up your day and raise awareness/funds.
Go see the girls at Les Platons Carpark, all weekend, grab a bowl, a cuppa, a Jersey Wonder and make a difference with a smile on your face”!

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