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Autumn Newsletter 2019

To download the Autumn Newsletter click here

For several years, Diabetes Jersey has published a newsletter of interest to those people with the condition on a bi-annual basis. We have achieved this with the generous co-operation of the Health and Community Service Department who have provided a list of those registered with diabetes (circa 4,500) to the newsletter’s printers (not Diabetes Jersey) in the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, this will be the last newsletter which will be provided in this way since the HCS Dept is no longer able to make this list available for this purpose.

If you wish to continue to receive a copy of this publication, it will, in future, be available online on the Diabetes Jersey website, available directly by email and, if you prefer, posted to you as a hard copy as it is now.

To achieve all this, Diabetes Jersey needs to know who you are and how this is achieved is given in full detail on page 13. You can, of course, opt out completely from receiving the newsletter in any form – and the charity will actually be none the wiser!

This Autumn edition contains much of interest including an early insight into a developing Jersey Diabetes Strategy, in the formulation of which Diabetes Jersey is a significant player, plus, of course, your invitation to the annual Christmas Lunch and of special interest to those with Type 1 (or parents or guardians thereof) a day-long seminar in mid-November featuring national speakers and addressing key issues affecting those with the condition.

We do hope that you will want to continue keeping yourselves informed.

Peter Tabb

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